My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

One of the things on my wish list for my birthday last year was a French coffee press. I heard people rave about them. At the time I was really digging my mocha pot. The first time I tried it I think I put too much water in, and ground the beans too coarsely. It was much too weak for me. Since I was getting good results with the mocha pot I didn't use the press since then.

Tonight I wanted some coffee but didn't want to go to all the bother of firing up the espresso machine or dirtying up the mocha pot. I put a pot of boiling water on the stove, got out the French press, and ground 7 tables spoons of beans so that it looked about what pre-ground Folgers-type coffee looks like, but with a few larger pieces mixed in.

I poured 2 cups of the hot water (just off boil) into the press and stirred in the ground coffee. I let it steep for about 4 minutes and then pressed the grounds to the bottom. The result? Perfect!

Sheri had some too and was very impressed. She has a mental hang-up that hot coffee gives her an upset stomach, and that it is always bitter and too acidic. That is why she always orders iced coffee. The coffee tonight did not upset her stomach and she really liked it.

My boss is a big camper and says a French press is great for camping. You can easily have your gourmet quality coffee out in the wilderness.

Three day weekend starts tomorrow.

I was assigned a big project at work that I am looking forward too and can't wait to start working on it. I already did some preliminary data diagramming today. Further details to be sent to the mail list.

My lower back has been hurting a lot because of two days in a row of trying to skate.

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