My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Our visit to the nursing home went well. It was much more tiring than I thought it would be for both Mitch and us. We only lasted for one hour. Mitch's personality started to change towards the end. He just looked tired and wasn't into meeting new people anymore. We would walk into a room and after his initial sniff he would come back and press up against one of us.

I think there were between 7 and 10 people that really really enjoyed Mitch, appreciated his visit and made their day. There were probably another dozen or so that petted his head, smiled and thanked us for stopping by, but we didn't really see anything light up in their eyes like the other people. There were maybe another dozen that seemed like they didn't care whether we were there or not so we just kept moving along. If they were sleeping or looked like "no one was home" we just skipped their room.

We met up with one woman in the hallway. The first thing she asked is what kind of dog he was. When we told her she said "Oh, those are those ugly dogs." We didn't stay too long around her.

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