My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

We got a cantaloupe and a couple of mangos last night. After I packed Sheri's lunch I cut up one of the mangos and half of the cantaloupe and put it into a Tupperware container for quick and easy snacks.

A bit of good news: I got the results from my check-up last week. Everything is trending in the right direction. My sugar (hemoglobin A1c) in particular looked good.

For background, a non-diabetics HbA1c will be under 6%. The American Diabetes Association recommends the goal of diabetic therapy should be for a reading less than 7%. If a diabetic's HbA1c is over 8%, their treatment regimen needs to be reevaluated.

My HbA1c from three months ago was 7.4%. This last check-up it was 6.7%.

The doctor was happy with were everything else was too, so no change in medication, and keep up the good work with the diet. His only order now is to lose 20 pounds which would put me at 240 pounds. He said if I did that everything else would fall into place. I think I can do it, but only if I start exercising regularly again.

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