My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Matt's Cookies are the best commercially made cookies you can buy. We stumbled on them during our first week living in Chicago. We went to the market to get some food for the apartment, and grabbed a bag there. I couldn't believe how good they were.

They will ship you a bag of their cookies for $1.50 plus postage if you can not find them locally! Amazing.

The Chicago Tribune Selected Matt's Cookies as the first place winner in a blind taste-test of commercially baked Chocolate Chip Cookies. Members of the panel gave Matt's a high score because Matt's Cookies had "Lots of Real Chocolate" and a "Soft Texture" that some equated with being "Most Like Homemade". Food Guide columnist Carol Rasmussen writes "Matt's is among the inexpensive brands on the market, yet it uses real chocolate instead of the ersatz version that many other brands in this price category favor"

Instead of a birthday cake this year, I just wanted a bag of Matt's Oatmeal Raison cookies. I think they only make three kinds: peanut butter, oatmeal raison, an chocolate chip. You most likely have every ingredient that is listed on the package. There are no long chemical names or preservatives.

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