My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, April 27, 2003

My nose has stopped dripping continuously, and I am not coughing every three minutes, but I still feel crappy. I have to blow my nose about every five minutes now, which is an improvement. I don't like tilting my head forward because it feels like my sinus cavities start to fill up or empty or do something that doesn't feel good. The unfortunate part is that I still have to finish my paper today. That forces me to have my head tilted down. Yuck. I guess I will just try to storm through it as fast as possible.

I did the difficult part yesterday which was decide what I am going to write about and how I will structure the paper. I don't plan on citing referenced so it should be a fairly fast write.

Sheri just left to pick up a carpet cleaner, lunch, and some sinus medication for me.

It is a beautiful day here in Chicago.

I hope to be able to cut the grass later this evening.

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