My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, January 18, 2003

"Signs" is an amazing movie. I think that M. Night Shyamalan, who wrote, directed, and acted in the movie, might be of near genius level, and will eventually be compared favorably to Hitchcock and Spielberg.

The movie is exciting and somewhat scary, but there is no blood, gore, or violence. It is all left to your imagination. In the end when you finally do see one of the aliens, it is not really scary.

There is a lot of humor in the film. It is a very enjoyable film to watch. The pacing was perfect. Nothing forced or hurried and no long drawn out scenes. It was so engaging that it seemed about half as long as it was. The film is 106 minutes (1.75 hours) long.

Night doesn't go for cheap shots to scare the audience, such as flashing a big scary face on the screen. It is all very cerebral.

The casting was also excellent. The little girl in the movie is just absolutely adorable. It is what I imagine Sheri was like at her age.

Even if you don't normally like scary or sci-fi movies, you owe it to yourself to watch this one. An excellent example of film making. Fun! Fun! Fun!

Make sure you rent it on DVD and not VHS. There is a lot of very interesting extra footage on the DVD. Interviews and commentary with Night. Deleted scenes. Interviews with cast members. Behind the scenes looks at special effects, set building, history of the film, etc. We were up until 2:00 AM to watch it all.

I hope I haven't built the movie up too much. When I have gone to see movies that everyone hyped up as fantastic, my expectations were raised too high to have been met. The most memorable example of that for me was "The Crying Game". That's all anyone was talking about, and when I finally saw it, it was anticlimactic.

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