My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I hesitated to include the picture because I don't think it photographed very well, but this was a very good batch of loaded nachos that I made for us during the game.

I lined a jelly roll pan with a piece of tin foil and then layered it with reduced carb tortilla chips with flaxseeds from Trader Joe's, about two chips deep. I covered them with a good layer of shredded sharp cheddar and then the other half of the diced sweet onion I mentioned earlier, and put the whole thing in the oven for about five minutes. The oven made the onion even sweeter.

When it came out I ladled most of a can Hormel chili onto them that I had heated in a pan on the stove. I spooned several tablespoons of fat free sour cream into a sandwich baggie, punctured a hole into a corner with a toothpick, and piped the sour cream evenly over everything. I topped the whole mess with pickled jalapeƱos and we enjoyed them on the couch while watching the Buckeye game. (I slid the tin foil, along with the hot chips, from the hot pan to a cool one so we could hold them.)

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