My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I decided I didn't want to mess with the electric meter pedestal and I have an electrician coming out tomorrow morning to fix it.

He is going to chisel away the concrete around the base and then fashion a form around it. That way when he pours concrete back in it won't be touching the pedestal and become attached again. He will fill the gap between the concrete he pours and the pedestal to keep the water out.

Kind of neat thing: when we were on the phone discussing the problem I asked if he was near a computer and if I could just send him the pictures that Sheri took this morning. He said sure, and it worked great! He could see exactly what the problem was and what it would take for him to fix it. It saved him a trip, and allowed us to get the problem fixed and behind us a little quicker.

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