My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I was reading the latest edition of Consumer Reports on-line and they have a big section on digital photography. They did a review of the on-line photo finishers. Out of the 12 services they reviewed only 5 had picture quality of "excellent", their highest rating. The rest were all rated "very good", the next step down.

Wal-Mart is in the top group that rated excellent quality. Wal-Mart also had the best price for a 4 x 6 glossy. The prices are:

Wal-Mart $0.17
Target $0.19
Kodak $0.25
EZ Prints $0.29
Shutterfly $0.29

In overall ranking Wal-Mart placeed 4th. The two additional criteria used were album management and editing. I don't want to use an on-line service to manage my pictures. I do that on my PC, and I prefer to do any editing or corrections on my PC, not through their web interface. So from my point of view Wal-Mart is the winner, and I will continue to use them.

An interesting side note: four out of the top five photo finishers in this review use Fuji equipment. Only one, the Kodak service, uses Kodak equipment. What would George Eastman say about that?

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