My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Microsoft has a $10 rebate now for Streets & Trips 2005. It is selling for $35.49 on Amazon right now, so your final price would be $25.49.

I think they do this every year for Streets & Trips to get rid of their inventory and make way for the next release of Streets & Trips that is usually released at the end of summer or beginning of fall.

The main difference from year to year is updated street data. They haven't really added many bells and whistles over the years.

If you don't have this running on your computer now I highly recommend getting it. It is much faster than getting maps from the internet and the quality and detail of the maps is better. I probably use the program at least once a day. Seriously. Planning bike routes in the neighborhood. Figuring out how long it will take to drive somewhere. Measuring distances.

Here is the map with points of interest that I am working on for Tim and Lisa's trip. You can click on it for the full size version.

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