My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Friday, June 24, 2005


We grilled a few fat-free hotdogs on the patio and ate them topped with hummus. Had iced tea, red grapes, and cantaloupe alongside.

I watered the plants while Sheri took the dishes inside. The stupid rabbits like cilantro. Grrrrr…….

We then drove to Blockbuster and rented Everyday People.

Then we went to a McDonalds and each had a hot fudge sundae.

In case we got the munchies while watching the movie we stopped at the supermarket and got a package of pita bread to go with the hummus and a loaf of regular bread for PBJ's or PBM's (Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise).

We are home now and it is about 9 PM. I put the sprinkler out in the backyard. Changed clothes. So did Sheri. The movie is just starting now.

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