My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Last night I discovered possibly one of the greatest inventions of 2005.

First a little background: There is a product called Rain-X. You spray it on your windshield and then wipe it off. When it rains, and you are driving over about 45 mph, you don't need to use your windshield wipers. The water beads up like it is on Teflon and just gets blown off almost as fast as it lands. An application will last a month or two, and then it starts to go back to acting like a normal windshield. I always forget to apply the Rain-X when I am at home, and then when it rains I always kick myself because I have the bottle just sitting in the garage.

Now comes the new invention part. I went to get some windshield wiper fluid at Murray's last night and next to the regular stuff they had washer fluid with Rain-X mixed right in! Each time you use your squirts you are conditioning your windshield a little more. Isn't that great!

A gallon of regular fluid is usually a little more than $1. The Rain-X fluid was a little more than $2.

They have three flavors: All Season, Bug Remover for summer, and De-Icer for winter.

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