My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Yesterday (Sunday) the B'hamers went to the Field Museum in the morning, and then drove out to our house between 1 PM and 2 PM. We went to the Bobak buffet for lunch/dinner.

On the way to walk around our downtown I stopped by the gun club so they could see the guys shooting trap. We walked around there for an hour or so and also sat in front of the fountain for a while.

We went back to our place and just hung out for the rest of the evening. Our grass was way overdue to be cut so I got that out of the way. The grass was so long I had to raise the deck a couple notches because the grass kept clumping. I will probably cut it again in just two or three days at a lower setting.

I think the B'hamers are coming out to our house again the evening for the final night of their vacation, but I am not sure. I think I overhead that plan but I think I also overheard them talking about having dinner in the City.

If they do come out for dinner I want them to experience what I think is the best Italian beef, and one of the top five hot dogs, in Chicago at Portillo's, but I think I heard Rosebud's mentioned a few times yesterday, so we would probably go there if they do come out here for dinner.

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