My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, December 21, 2002

As the dog sensed me waking up this morning, he starts to get excited and prance around the bed whining to be let out side; tail wagging, happy ears on, panting, you get the picture. All of a sudden all activity stops, ears drop, he sits down right next to the bed. He mouth turns into the smile he gets when he is getting ready to vomit and then his body starts to undualte and make that sloshing sound. That means I have about 15 seconds to get a garbage can for him to expel his stomach contents into. I almost grabbed the camcorder to document it, but I didn't know where the tape was queued to and didn't want to tape over anything. I will have to make sure I keep a tape queued to the right position and in easy reach. It is really funny to see him start smiling. When he is all done vomiting he must feel better because he starts running around again wagging his tail prancing to go out.

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