My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, December 16, 2002

Had a good walk with Goliath. I plotted our course in a map program when we got back and we walked 1.2 miles.

I got a little warm during the walk because he makes me walk fast, so I think I will take a quick shower before I go to bed.

I started a head-ache before I left for the walk. It is a little better now, but still annoying. My nose burns a little bit too. Might be related. I will check the humidifier before I go to bed and make sure it is full of water.

I am chairing a meeting tomorrow morning. I always dread that. Fortunately all the people in the room with me are friendlys. Any friction is either 750 miles away, or in London.

The dog is zonked on the bed behind me in the office.

I just talked to Sheri a little bit ago and she said she misses our SoniCare toothbrush. She took one of the dentist hand-outs we have stashed away for her visit to her family, and said she has gotten very used to the good clean scrubbed feeling you get with the SoniCare. I guess that goes on the list of things that we would replace if it broke.

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