My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

We got a flyer today from Wal-Wart advertising their day-after-Thanksgiving sales. They have a pretty good deal on a PC that almost seems too good to pass up. It is an HP with a 17" monitor.

It also has:
A pretty big hard drive (40 Gb)
CD burner
OK amount of RAM (256 Kb which is just fine for surfing, e-mail, etc.)
Modem, and LAN port

The video is integrated on the motherboard, rather than a stand-alone card, which means you wouldn't want it for anything with a heavy graphic load, like GIS software or the latest computer games.

The price is only good from 6-11 AM. The flyer also says it is only good for their Illinois and Minnesota stores. Maybe it will be even cheaper in Ohio.

Half of me says go get it just for a back-up PC and a test-bed to try different things. See if I could turn it into a file server. Load Linux. But I won't.

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